Thursday 24 November 2016

New Connexion + New Consciousness Review =

When my new co-publisher Miriam Knight asked me to join her in building HAPIguide, I asked her why she approached me and not someone else. Our magazines --- New Connexion and New Consciousness Review --- were actually competitors, so what compelled her to contact me?
“It’s simple,” she said. “I believe it’s better to collaborate than compete.”
A few weeks later I attended the annual LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine’s vision quest practicum near Tillamook, Oregon when a message came through from the spirits: collaboration is essential to the ascension process of raising our vibrations to the level of light. We can get there alone, but a united force does much more, much faster.
In the light of this past week, after the reality television show that we experienced in the 2016 election, it’s more important than ever that we come together in that spirit of cooperation.
Transformation is never easy. Change is always a challenge, especially when what’s different is not what we had hoped for. The entire world holds its breath as we see a person take charge that, love it or hate it, seems certain to alter our lives in ways we can only imagine. It’s time for light workers, change agents, healers, and teachers to come together, to lift our vibrations and others, to build community and cooperation instead of tearing down and shutting out.
As a writing coach, I teach my clients the value of building a tribe, a community that resonates with my client’s message and that wants more because there is connection and growth. That’s what we are striving to create with HAPIguide… a community of providers who share information, products, and services in the areas of Health, Awakening, Purpose, and Inspiration in a place visitors can return to time and again to connect.
We live in a world that is very divided these days. While patterns repeat themselves and power and greed continue their relentless crusade, the world looks to light workers, higher vibration methods, spirituality, and conscious-living to help us shift to a better, higher vibration place. We hope that HAPIguide can contribute to that movement in the spirit of collaboration, cooperation, and community in which Miriam approached me when she suggested we work together.
If you are a provider, we encourage you to visit to see how you can become a provider member. If you are a person looking for more information about our providers, visit to learn more about our what our members offer. In either case, we hope you benefit from HAPIguide; that your world expands and your life improves with every article you read, event you attend, and connection you make.

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